シラバス Syllabus

科目名Course Title 担当教員名Lecturer
Advanced Course on Urban and Architectural Resilience
特任教授(非常勤) 紙田 和代
理工学部教授 小檜山 雅之
理工学部准教授 アルマザン カバジェーロ, ホルヘ
Faculty of Science and Technology MASAYUKI, KOHIYAMA
Faculty of Science and Technology JORGE, ALMAZAN CABALLERO
開講学期Semester 曜日・時限Day/Period 設置課程Degree Program 設置学部・研究科Faculty/Graduate School Program 単位Credit キャンパスCampus
秋学期2017・Spring 金1Fri1 修士MASTER’S 理研Faculty of Science and Technology 2 矢上Yagami

Course Description



The word ‘resilience’ has a physical meaning of elasticity for a body under external force to restore its original state. Based on its analogy, the word began to be used to mean recovering ability or resisting power in psychology. Later, the word is widely used in many fields, such as disaster reduction and urban development with a wide range of meanings, from a relatively narrow meaning of recovering ability to a wide meaning of abilities of risk and emergency management of individuals or organizations.

In this course, lectures are presented to learn methods to develop cities and buildings with strength against disasters and harmony with nature, focusing on two themes, urban development before and after disasters. After lectures to learn basics, each group with four or five members exercises master plan development and model building to cultivate practical knowledge. In addition, it is expected to promote better understanding of multilateral approach through the presentations of other groups and discussions with them. Several special lectures on geographic information system (GIS), disaster reduction, etc. will be delivered by visiting lecturers.

Course Plan

No.1 ガイダンス、グループ分け、レジリエンスの概念に関する講義Guidance, Grouping, and Lecture about the Concept of Resilience
No.2 テーマ①:災害前の事前の防災まちづくり
演習:グループ別深掘りテーマ決めTheme I: Urban Development before Disasters
Resilient Community Development Based on City Planning — Master Plan for City Planning, Residential Induction Zone, and Location Optimization Plan —
Exercise: Selection of insight theme of each group
No.3 災害危険区域等の土地利用規制とコンパクトシティ(都市の集約)
演習:地理情報システム(GIS)の学習Land Use Control and Compact City
Exercise: Learning geographic information system (GIS)
No.4 密集市街地のまちづくり、自律可能で災害に強いまちづくり
演習:GISを用いた解析Urban Development of Densely Built-up Residential Areas and Urban Development for an Autonomous and Disaster Resistant and Resilient City
Exercise: Analysis using GIS
No.5 ハザードマップ、見守りマップ、避難訓練
演習:マスタープラン作成と模型製作(その1)Hazard Maps, Watch Maps, and Disaster Drill
Exercise: Making master plan and city planning model (Part 1)
No.6 環境対策の防災への影響と防災対策の環境への影響
演習:マスタープラン作成と模型製作(その2)Influence of Environment Management on Disaster Reduction and Influence of Disaster Management on Environment
Exercise: Making master plan and city planning model (Part 2)
No.7 演習:発表・討論Exercise: Presentations and discussions
No.8 テーマ②:災害発生後の復興まちづくり
演習:グループ別深掘りテーマ決めTheme II: Urban Reconstruction after Disasters
Recovery and Reconstruction from Disasters
Exercise: Selection of insight theme of each group
No.9 ビジョンの共有
演習:シナリオプランニングSharing Reconstruction Vision
Exercise: Scenario planning
No.10 震災後の時限的市街地づくり
演習:GISを用いた解析Urban Development for a Limited Period after a Disaster Event
Exercise: Analysis using GIS
No.11 コレクティブ、コーハウジング、環境共生まちづくり
演習:マスタープラン作成と模型製作(その1)Collective Housing, Co-Housing, and Urban Development for Human and Environmental Symbiosis
Exercise: Making master plan and city planning model (Part 1)
No.12 地形を生かしたまちづくり、自然と折り合うまちづくり
演習:マスタープラン作成と模型製作(その2)Urban Development Making the Most of Topographic Features and Urban Development Getting along with Natural Environment
Exercise: Making master plan and city planning model (Part 2)
No.13 演習:発表・討論Exercise: Presentations and discussions
No.14 総括 Summary
Other 課題・レポートAssignment of Report

Method of Evaluation


Attendance and reports



A textbook and handouts are distributed.

Lecturer’s Comments to Students


Students of any kind of fields are welcomed if interested in architectures and cities.



Please contact by email if you have any questions or need comments.

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